Be honest

How Much is Your Time And Energy Worth?

Are you tired of fumbling through Canva, InDesign, or Illustrator and spending hours trying to create design, after design for lack-luster results?

Ain't nobody got time for that.

what if ...

You could regain your time and have professionally designed graphics done in a jiff?

You'd have more time to spend on the money-making areas of your business, so that you can get back to what truly matters in life.

With cohesive and consistent visuals, you'll not only look like you've got it together- you'll feel that way too!

Because after all... you've only got one life to live and you DO NOT need to be wasting your creative genius on things that are not your jam.


designer for a day

batched graphic design service for creative entrepreneurs

So you can stop stressing over all those graphics you have to create and actually get ahead on your to-do list

Focus on the tasks that make you money

Get professional design and branding direction

Project Scope

Submit Content

Batch Your Designs

Before booking, we'll hop on a quick call to outline the scope of the project and allot the proper amount of time to knock everything out!

Upload your branding items, project content, and imagery. This allows us to focus on designing when the clock starts!

We'll have pre-scheduled check-ins over the course of the day. You'll live edit, review, and approve your items before our time ends.

How it works




Kat Mullendore

Willrett Flower Co.

"Jessica's process is so refined and she does such an incredible job guiding her clients through it! I always felt like she really took the time to understand my concepts and ideas. The  intensive definitely made the whole experience feel very customized to my business and personality."

Meagan Cooley

Meadow House Floral Design

"I had one strategy session and felt like it was a great jump start to our re-branding process. The questions that were asked were thoughtful and prompted me to look deeper into my business. The strategy session allowed me to share my thoughts, clarify them, and receive guidance."

so, tell me...

What's the investment?

You can most definitely continue DIY-ing the graphics in your business and having those "oh crap, I never finished that" moments 😳Feeling like you're spend hours on end working on graphics and keeping your website up to date, for what? More crickets?

Is your time, money? You tell me! We have a finite life on this earth and finite energy. Do you want to keep wasting that precious time and energy on tasks that don't spark joy? (Ok, ok, ok, Marie)


You can hand everything over to a professional, who can get it done in one day.

Designer for a day packages

Half Day


starting at $625

Examples of what we can accomplish:

- Simple  website updates or fixing an specific issue

- Instagram landing page

- Small design projects: business cards, stickers, flat cards, blog post imagery, etc.

- Updating imagery or text in documents like opt-ins, freebies, or guides (existing Adobe and Canva files only)

Full Day


starting at $1,000

Examples of what we can accomplish:

- Approx. 5 website page updates

- Mobile website design

- One-page design: sales or landing pages

- Batch content graphics (blog, Pinterest, social media, etc)

- Opt-in Freebie, PDF ebook, client guide or similar items


12 - HOURS

starting at $1,600

Examples of what we can accomplish:

Approx. 5 - 10 website page updates: you're ready to overhaul your current site with updated imagery and copy

- Batched graphics for the coming month: if you have a wide variety of needs each month

- Mini-course, challenge, or mini-offering materials

- Basic digital resource library or digital guide: extras that aren't viewable on your main site 

- Interactive PDF designs

schedule a call


18 - HOURS

starting at $2,500

Examples of what we can accomplish:

Course materials

- Multiple PDF type designs: think ebook, welcome guide, investment guide, etc...

- +Site or detailed resource library

Examples of what we can accomplish:

Ready to Book?

No worries! Simply begin by filling out my contact form and make note of what you have in mind for our day. During our consultation call, we'll further discuss the scope of the project and determine what length would be realistic for your needs!

Apply to work with me

There are a few benefits to this model, that you won't see with the traditional graphic design process:

1. Quick Turn Around: No more back and forth and back and forth. You'll receive professionally designed, digital or print-ready files by the end of the day.

2. Live Edits: You'll be intimately involved with the design process. If you're not happy with something, we can go another direction without having to redesign the whole thing from scratch, like the traditional proof/revision model.

3. Time Isn't Wasted: With a one-day deadline, you can rest easy know that time isn't being wasted. You'll see your designs come to life with our frequent check-in calls. 

To book and reserve your preferred date and time, you'll need to sign my contract and pay a non-refundable retainer fee. This fee will be applied to your final amount due.

For 1-hour bookings, the retainer fee is $70. For 2+ hour bookings, the retainer fee is 50% of the total cost.

At the end of our day (once your paid time has expired), the remainder of your payment will be due before receiving your final files.


Not submitting the full content prior to the 72-hour mark will result in the day being rescheduled and a $300 holding fee to be assessed. 

Sure can! If we get going and you decide you'd like more done or decide you need more time to review the designs, we can add additional hours for $50/hour.

In some cases, that may mean rolling over to another day.

Web design includes the actual design of the website, while the Designer for a Day work is strictly to UPDATE the website's text or imagery. Beyond required resizing of text boxes, images, etc... to make room for the updates, no design will occur.

If you're interested in re-designing your website, visit my contact page.

If you decide you prefer more time to review the designs, we can add additional hours for $50/hour or apply the Designer for a Day to a larger package.

Nonetheless, you'll get you taken care of!

hey y'all

Come sit for a spell on my front porch swing!

Get my best tips on strategy, brand design, and connecting with your dreamy ideal clients- all while living a life you love!

Get my best tips on branding, systemization, and creating a wow experience- all while living a life you love!